Fall Uniform

Processed with VSCO with f2 preset

Forever 21 Sweater/H&M Jeans/Chinese Laundry Boots/Rebecca Minkoff Bag

Well it’s been a while since a I did a real outfit post and that was the purpose of this blog initially so I’m happy to be back at it. I didn’t intend to turn it into a full blown pregnancy/mommy-hood blog for the past 8 months, but that’s what was happening. I’m sure I’ll do baby updates here and there still, just a heads up.

This outfit is totally my fall uniform: cozy sweater, skinny jeans, and ankle boots. This formula is so easy to put together and there are a million ways to mix it up. All of these items are old, old, old (I’m surprised the shoes are still available for purchase, PS I wore them last here) but I LOVE THEM. Now that I’m just a few pounds away from my pre-pregnancy weight I am loving diving back into my smaller clothes and my heels.

Processed with VSCO with f2 preset

Processed with VSCO with f2 preset

Processed with VSCO with f2 preset

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